The registration of HK company is inexpensive, the charges include 3 parts:
Government fee/charges, our services charges and other charges.
The total charges now is about HKD6500.00, all registration procedures need about 2-3 weeks.
The charges for HK company annual return depend on the Government charges. Government maybe change in different fiscal year.
From 1 April 2023, the Business Regitration fee (BR) will return to HKD2150.00, so the charges of Annual return of 2023 will be more than 2022.
FANSSI LEADING will give you a good price for annual return, total fee will be HKD4500.00 (include BR,CR,HK address,and services fee, but not include book keeping and audit services), thanks.
FANSSI LEADING will give you a good price for HongKong new company regetration service, total fee will be HKD6500.00 (include BR,CR,HK address,and services fee, but not include book keeping and audit services), thanks.
Contact us immediately, maybe you will get a preferential price.