After the registration, we will give you all the documents of the company.
You can open the company a/c in Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and even in Europe for your HK company.
Open an a/c is easy but it will take some time, the procedures for offshore a/ need about 2 weeks, for local a/c in HK, need about 1-2 days.
Directors should bring the followings documents when opening the a/c:
1. Company Registration Certificate, Business Registration Certificate;
2. Incorporation Form (NC1);
3. Memorandum & Articals of association
4. Directors' passport or ID card;
5. Company chop;
6. If your company have established for more than 1 year, the lastest Annual Return form (AR1) is required.
7. If your company have some modification during the year, you should take the modification documents together, such as D2A form.
For further information, you can inquire to the bank or contact us now.